Ph.D activities

Ph.D in Physics


XXX ciclo: Seminari dottorandi su stato avanzamento della tesi

10/11/2016 - 14:30
AULA A - primo piano  - V. Della vasca Navale n. 84

ore 14:30 Dario Sabbagh: “Ionosonde data assimilation in a regional 3D  

model for the real-time characterization of the ionosphere: the challenge of oblique radio-sounding data ingestion.”
ore 15:00 Gabriele Mevi: “First measurements of the new 22GHz water
vapor spectrometer VESPA-22 obtained at Thule, Greenland.
ore 15:30 Amin Maleki: "On the Current-Induced Spin Polarization in a
Two-Dimensional Electron Gas"
ore 16:00 Pietro Pugliese: “Structure of water and methane solution inside
carbon nanotubes.”