Seminari del Dipartimento


Analisi Matematica

KAM normal form for quasi-periodic cocycles in TxSU(2) and spectral dichotomy.

Nikolaos Karaliolios

05-04-2017 - 16:00
AULA 211 - Largo San Leonardo Murialdo, 1


We will recall the application of the KAM machinery as it  was applied by H. Eliasson and R. Krikorian (among others) to the  problem of the (almost) reducibility of such systems. We will  subsequently present an (almost) complete classification of the KAM  regime, based on the KAM normal form, and, if time permits, sketch  the proof of spectral dichotomy: a cocycle in the KAM regime has  either pure point spectrum or a maximal component of singular  continuous spectrum in the fibers.
org: PROCESI Michela