Seminari del Dipartimento


Fisica Matematica

Transport in out-of-equilibrium spin chains: exact profiles of charges and currents

Dr. Maurizio Fagotti

25-10-2016 - 14:30
AULA 311 (SEMINARI) Largo San L. Murialdo,1


I consider the non-equilibrium time evolution after quantum quenches with simple inhomogeneities.
Specifically, I discuss two situations: the time evolution of a piecewise homogeneous state under a translationally invariant Hamiltonian, and the time evolution of a homogeneous state under a Hamiltonian with a localised defect. I present some recent results on the corresponding late-time dynamics, and point out the similarities between the two situations. Finally, I show that, in the presence of a defect, the late-time expectation values of the local observables are not correctly described by a diagonal ensemble.
org: GIULIANI Alessandro