Seminari del Dipartimento


Analisi Matematica

Locally integrable non-Liouville analytic geodesic flows on T^2

Livia Corsi

14-09-2016 - 17:30
Aula 311 - Largo San Leonardo Murialdo,1 - Pal.C


A metric on T^2 is said to be ``Liouville" if in some coordinate system it has the form ds^2 = (g_1(q_1) + g_2(q_2)) (dq_1^2 + dq_2^2); a ``folklore conjecture" states that if a metric is locally integrable then it is Liouville. I will present a counterexample to this conjecture.
Precisely I will show that there exists an analytic, non-separable, mechanical Hamiltonian H = H(p,q) which is integrable on an open subset U of the energy surface {H = 1/2}.
This is a joint work with V. Kaloshin
org: BIASCO Luca