Seminari del Dipartimento



Vector Semantics for Pregroup Grammars


29-04-2016 - 11:00
Edificio C, Piano 3, Aula 311


Lambek introduced pregroup grammers in 1999, as a simplification of his 1956 syntactic calculus. From then on, Casadio, Lambek and collaborators applied the setting of pregroup grammars to formalise grammars  of many languages, from English and French, to Polish, Italian and Persian.   In 2007,  Lambek and Preller  showed that compact 2 categories provide semantics for pregroups. Later, in a serious of papers starting from 2010, Clark, Coecke and myself, together with students and postdocs,  showed that pregroup grammars, through their compact 2 categorical semantics,  can be used to transfer the grammatical structures of phrases and sentences  into  linear maps over vector spaces. We then showed how this capability can be used to solve an open problem in the field of statistical  corpus-based models  of natural language: developing  grammar-preserving compositional operators with the  desired consequence of  building vector semantics for phrases and sentences.  In this talk, I will review the statistical  corpus-based models that we work with, show how they can be made compositional using pregroups, and present experimental results for linguistic tasks.
org: ABRUSCI Vito Michele