Seminari del Dipartimento


Fisica Matematica

Universality in Condensed Matter and Statistical Mechanics

Nathanael Berestycki (Vienna) Sergio Conti (Bonn) Margherita Disertori (Bonn)

08-02-2023 - 09:00
Via Ostiense 161 - Aula Magna di Giurisprudenza


This conference is the closing event of the ERC CoG Project UniCoSM. It will focus on the main themes of the project, including universality phenomena in equilibrium statistical mechanics at a second order phase transition, existence and characterization of the scaling limit of critical statistical mechanics systems, quantum transport in interacting quantum many body systems, spontaneous symmetry breaking of a continuous symmetry, formation of periodic patterns in systems with competing interactions. The event will put together many members and collaborators of the project, colleagues and friends working on these topics.
org: GIULIANI Alessandro