Seminari del Dipartimento



Characterizing Jacobians via the KP equation and via flexes and degenerate trisecants to the Kummer variety: an algebra-geometric approach

Giulio Codogni

24-02-2022 - 14:15
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo,1 - Pal.C


 I will present completely algebro-geometric proofs of a theorem by T. Shiota, and of a theorem by I. Krichever, characterizing Jacobians of algebraic curves among all irreducible principally polarized abelian varieties. Shiota's characterization is in terms of the KP equation. Krichever's characterization is in terms of trisecant lines to the Kummer variety, and I will discuss only the degenerate case of his result. The proofs rely on a new theorem asserting that the base locus of a complete linear system on an abelian variety is reduced. This is a joint work with E. Arbarello and G. Pareschi.

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