Seminari del Dipartimento



Unlikely intersections in families of semiabelian varieties and applications to a conjecture of Silverman

Laura Capuano

02-12-2021 - 14:15
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo, 1


What makes an intersection likely or unlikely? A simple dimension count shows that two varieties of dimension r and s are non "likely" to intersect if r < codim s, unless there is some special geometrical relation among them. A series of conjectures due to Bombieri-Masser-Zannier, Zilber and Pink rely on this philosophy.

After a small survey on these problems, I will present a recent application to a conjecture of Silverman on the greatest common divisor of divisibility sequences coming from certain algebraic groups. This is a joint work with F. Barroero and A. Turchet.

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