Seminari del Dipartimento


Fisica Matematica

Anomaly cancellation condition in lattice effective electroweak theory

Vieri Mastropietro

24-11-2021 - 14:00
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo,1 - Pal.C - Aula 211


We consider an effective lattice electroweak model composed by a family of elementary particles (two quarks and two leptons) with a quartic interaction describing the weak forces and an interaction with the e.m. field: the lattice step plays the role of the ultraviolet cut-off, the fermions are massless and the photon is massive. The correlations are analytic uniformly in the infinite volume limit provided that the cut-off is of the order to the gauge masses. The electric charges of the particles are not renormalized and the hypercharge current is conserved up to subdominant corrections, provided that the charges verify the anomaly non-renormalization condition.

Il seminario avrà luogo in presenza presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Sezione di Matematica,
L.go S. L. Murialdo 1 - Aula 211
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