Seminari del Dipartimento


Fisica Matematica

Navier-Stokes equation: irreversibility, turbulence and ensembles equivalence

Prof. G. Gallavotti

19-02-2019 - 14:30
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo,1 - stanza 311


The NS equation is considered (in 2 & 3 dimensions) with a fixed forcing on large scale; the stationary states form a family of probability distributions on the fluid velocity fields depending on a parameter R (Reynolds number). It is proposed that other equations could lead to -exactly- the same distributions and that the mechanism is closelyanalogous to the coincidence of the canonical and microcanonical averages of local observables in statistical mechanics in the thermodynamic limit (which in NS is proposed to correspond to the limit in which the UV cut-off N is removed to infinity).
org: GIULIANI Alessandro