
Moduli of polarized Enriques surfaces

Andreas Leopold Knutsen

09-12-2021 - 14:15
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo, 1


Moduli spaces of polarized Enriques surfaces (parametrizing pairs (S,H), where S is a compact, complex Enriques surface, and H is an ample line bundle on S) have several components, even if one fixes the degree of the polarization. I will present some new results determining the various irreducible components of these spaces and answering a question of Gritsenko and Hulek on the connectedness of the etale double cover from the moduli space of polarized such surfaces to the moduli space of numerically polarized such surfaces.

Il seminario avrà luogo in presenza presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Lungotevere Dante 376 - Aula M1

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