Seminari del Dipartimento


Fisica Matematica

Effective dynamics for multiple coupled Bose-Einstein condensates

Alessandro Olgiati

27-09-2016 - 14:30
Aula 311 - Largo San Leonardo Murialdo,1 - Pal.C


I will present a rigorous derivation of the e ffective
equations for the many-body quantum dynamics of a system consisting of
di fferent species of identical bosons (a so-called multi-component
Bose-Einstein condensate). In the limit of large system, the dynamics
is well approximated by coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations, one
for each single-particle orbital of the BEC. The technique is based on
a suitable adaptation of Peter Pickl's counting method, which I will
introduce; a quantitative estimate for the error is also provided, in
terms of the number of particles for each species. I will discuss both
the cases of mean-field and Gross-Pitaevskii regimes.

org: CORREGGI Michele